Pioneering Something New - Part II
By Mallory Frazzini
Last year I wrote a blog about being MHCS’s first remote auditor and some of the key takeaways I had found during that year and a half of working from home. I feel now that those takeaways and best practices that I reflected on last year, are more relevant that I could have ever imagined, given the major changes happening in the world today and with many people working from home that have never done so before. Due to the switch to primarily remote operations, many people have been pushed out of their comfort zones and have had to learn how to navigate this new situation. However, ultimately, with the right mindset and tools, it has all been possible.
I feel this is a good time to remind everyone to take this opportunity with great stride; see the key takeaways in all this and how this can shape into your companies’ new best practices. Since there was so much energy and focus on making this remote time possible, I think it is great to reflect and see if this is something that could easily be implemented in your business going forward.
One item to consider when operations resume is the impact working remote has on employee satisfaction. Working remote creates a great sense of flexibility within a company and can help continue to build a strong work/life balance. It will be important to implement a process that is going to ensure communication for this flexibility. One of the things I have learned while working remote is how strong communication grows when you are required to learn to communicate with people in your team both inside and outside of the office.
Additionally, I think setting expectations is another great tool to ensure success with remote workers. MHCS has always felt that if the work is being completed with no delays, the work should be able to be completed from anywhere and at any time. For our teams, one thing that worked great was setting up daily calls. This is a great time to come together and discuss how tasks and days are going and ask questions if needed.
Overall, I hope this helps to shine some light on the new opportunities we all have been presented with remote work, and hope it encourages you all to continue to pioneer something new.
Click here to see the first Pioneering Something New blog.
Mallory Frazzini | Supervisor