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Service to Our Community

A Presence in the Community

As a firm, we are involved in a variety of organizations and volunteer efforts, and we regularly sponsor not-for-profit organizations. Our team has built deep relationships with one another, both inside and outside the office, and we hold each other to be leaders in our communities as well as leaders in the industry.

    Events and Efforts


    Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowling for Kids’ Sake

    Each April, MHCS puts together four teams to raise money for the programs offered by BBBS, and then come together for a fun game of bowling in this community-wide event.


    Shred-Day Event

    We host this for our clients and the community the first Friday of May. It provides a convenient way to recycle important tax documents, and a different way for MHCS associates to interact with our clients.


    Des Moines Area Religious Council (DMARC)

    Each September prior to the Iowa vs Iowa State football game, we participate in DMARC’s “Fund” Drive Challege to raise money for the food pantry. Participants “vote” online with their funds for either the Iowa, ISU, or “Other” teams. Winning team has bragging rights for the year, but the real winner is DMARC.


    Meals from the Heartland

    Team MHCS loves to “rock the hair nets” to help fight hunger by packaging meals each year that are distributed around the community, state, and world.

    Industry Leaders

    As one of the largest local firms, we also play an active role in the business community. MHCS holds active memberships in the chamber of commerce, Iowa Society of CPAs, Iowa Association of Business and Industry, CPAmerica and others.