Who Will Be The Next Carson King?

By Brian Newton, CPA

The annual Cy-Hawk showdown took place on September 14th and the watercooler talk shortly after was less about the game and more about:

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard of Carson King - the young man who showed up at College Game Day with a hand-written sign reading “Busch Light Supply Needs Replenished” along with his Venmo ID. From there social media took over and the story took off.

By 1:00 that day, random people from around the country had donated over $1,600 to help replenish Carson’s Busch Light supply, not a bad return on a $2.00 piece of poster-board and a Sharpie. He easily could have kept quiet, hoped for a few more dollars to come in and walked away with some extra money in his pocket. Instead, he sent out this single tweet “With all the donations my @CollegeGameDay sign for @BuschBeer has received, I will be donating all but enough for a case of Busch Light to @uiowa Children’s Hospital. We’re at over $1,600 right now...!” As write this article the contributions to his Venmo account is in excess of $135,000. Busch Light and Venmo have both re-tweeted that they will match his contributions to the Children’s Hospital. In less than one week, a sign and single tweet have raised well over $400,000 to help sick children and their families. I’m sure Mr. King had no idea of how things would play out when he decided to show up at Jack Trice that morning!

For some reason, this story really hit home and left me thinking about a few things…

September is the Iowa Society CPAs 5th annual month of service, where CPA firms across Iowa work in conjunction with the Iowa Society CPAs to give back to our communities. While we won’t be raising $400k for the Children’s Hospital, our team members will be giving their time and resources to support many great organizations in our communities by:

While I’m both fascinated and inspired by the Carson King story, I’m just as proud of our team and their willingness to participate in our month of service projects and throughout the year. Each day we are presented with opportunities to make decisions that will impact others and I hope that this story of one man’s selflessness will inspire you. You never know when you might have the opportunity to become the next Carson King!

Brian Newton, CPA | Shareholder