Navigating Motherhood

By Makayla Fagen, CPA

I still vividly remember the ultrasound technician saying, “I think there might be two in there.” After my hysterical laughter subsided and the color returned to my husband’s face, I could not help but think of all the ways my life was going to change being a first-time parent to twins. Yes, there would be lots of diaper changes, two daycare tuitions and four car seat bases (which would require us to rethink our vehicle situation), but the lifestyle changes are what scared me the most. No longer could I do something on a whim with friends, traveling would be difficult and learning to juggle all my roles seemed nearly impossible.

Over two years have passed and I’m happy to report that I’m surviving. Being a parent has been one of the best things in my life, but I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve struggled. I struggled with the change parenthood brought to my life and the new role I now had to fit in amongst my many other roles that I already felt like I was failing at. But after many conversations with friends and family, I realized that it is completely normal to feel this way. I just needed to learn a few things along the way. Listed below are a few items that have helped me feel more in control of my life.

Not only have these skills helped stabilize my mind, but I have also found myself being able to get back into reading books and start some workout classes. I could list a hundred more skills that are also beneficial in navigating my new life, but I feel like these have been the most important to me so far. For new and current mothers, craziness and chaos will be a norm, but if you can prioritize, be honest and communicate with those around you – you will thrive!

Makayla Fagen, CPA | Manager