Client Spotlight: BioConnect Iowa

Many people start the new year with resolutions to create positive change in their life. BioConnect Iowa started the new year in 2021 with a new name and mission to strengthen its commitment to supporting and advancing the biosciences sector in Iowa. Previously known as Iowa Innovation Corporation, BioConnect Iowa’s goal is to accelerate the growth of Iowa’s bioscience sector and help innovators turn good ideas into successful commercial endeavors.

BioConnect Iowa achieves this goal in many ways. The first is by providing bioscience entrepreneurs with guidance, advice, and connections to the right people to help achieve turn their dreams into a reality. They also manage Iowa’s Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Outreach program, which helps entrepreneurs obtain federal grants and funding matches.

BioConnect Iowa also partners with Iowa’s research universities, Iowa Economic Development Authority and other programs across the state to help achieve their mission of supporting and advancing biosciences in Iowa through the entrepreneurial process. In addition, in 2020, BioConnect Iowa partnered with Iowa State University Startup Factory and VentureNet Iowa to launch the G2M Accelerator program. This program provides support for commercial product development and fundraising needs through advanced training in sales, marketing, corporate development, and finance.

BioConnect Iowa focuses its efforts on four key areas: Biobased Products/Chemicals, Precision and Digital Agriculture, Vaccines and Immunotherapeutic, and Medical Devices.

MHCS is proud to have BioConnect Iowa as a new advisory and accounting services client. Welcome to the #MHCSFamily!